Jun 01 05:05:45 storm sureJun 01 05:06:01 Topiary there's shit cool siteJun 01 05:06:03 Topiary fbi.govJun 01 05:06:10 lol xDJun 01 05:06:14 storm lolJun 01 05:06:24 lol ddos ic3.gov :DJun 01 05:06:40 storm whats with everyone wanting to hit govsJun 01 05:06:55 storm are you really that open to just going to jail ;xJun 01 05:07:08 storm not you you, te royal youJun 01 05:07:10 storm the evenJun 01 05:08:21 Topiary I suppose we could piss off some IRC for lulzJun 01 05:10:19 storm sureJun 01 05:10:32 joepie92 does any of youJun 01 05:10:34 joepie92 know a user calledJun 01 05:10:35 joepie92 schmooJun 01 05:10:41 lol nopeJun 01 05:10:42 lol :/Jun 01 05:10:44 lol why?Jun 01 05:10:46 Topiary negativeJun 01 05:10:49 joepie92 I think it might be the nonynews guyJun 01 05:10:52 joepie92 posting shit on wikiaJun 01 05:10:59 joepie92 but unsureJun 01 05:11:02 joepie92 I've never seen him talkJun 01 05:11:05 joepie92 he's in a lot of channelsJun 01 05:11:05 Topiary joepie92: nonynews posted on twitter that I was probably tweeting for LulzSecJun 01 05:11:09 Topiary so yesJun 01 05:11:10 Topiary might beJun 01 05:11:13 joepie92 only thignJun 01 05:11:19 joepie92 schmoo has op in propagandaJun 01 05:11:23 joepie92 so I'm not sure how he got thatJun 01 05:11:33 joepie92 so I'd have to ask the channel founder thereJun 01 05:11:34 lol nonynews is prbs a jesterfag thinking they're being covert Jun 01 05:11:36 lol xDJun 01 05:11:40 joepie92 nonynews also mentioned somethingJun 01 05:11:42 lol best thing to do when boredJun 01 05:11:43 joepie92 that happened in #codersJun 01 05:11:50 joepie92 and there's only a few people thereJun 01 05:11:51 lol go to 2600 irc and just cause dramaJun 01 05:11:51 lol :DJun 01 05:12:03 Topiary should we just go on over to 2600, flame them, and then packet it?Jun 01 05:12:07 joepie92 @nonyNewsJun 01 05:12:07 joepie92 nony NewsJun 01 05:12:07 joepie92 Peacemaking proposes an IP-spoofing version of #LOIC for use by #Anonymous. Ingenious!Jun 01 05:12:09 joepie92 that was in #codersJun 01 05:12:50 joepie92 schmoo is/was in all channels that nonynews mentions shit from it seemsJun 01 05:13:08 joepie92 @nonyNewsJun 01 05:13:08 Topiary do we still have spies in #jester?Jun 01 05:13:08 joepie92 nony NewsJun 01 05:13:08 joepie92 I think anonymous should host a free proxy server, that would be awesome -- Will die laughing when @FBIPressOffice sets this one up.Jun 01 05:13:18 joepie92 (that was in #senloris, where schmoo is as well)Jun 01 05:13:19 joepie92 and idkJun 01 05:13:35 Topiary we need to gather info and profile all these fags, backtrace crew/wiki crew/jester crewJun 01 05:13:38 Topiary see where it all overlapsJun 01 05:13:44 joepie92 Topiary, pmJun 01 05:13:47 Topiary kJun 01 05:13:51 storm DONT DO ITJun 01 05:13:54 storm ITS A TRAPJun 01 05:13:59 storm ;pJun 01 05:14:36 Topiary it's okay he just wants to see my cockJun 01 05:14:49 storm surprise Jun 01 05:14:51 lol is the whois a complete fake too?Jun 01 05:14:56 lol even the one at private whois?Jun 01 05:14:56 storm didnt know you had a cockJun 01 05:16:16 storm 05:16 -!- storm [stormeh@97-120-249-224.ptld.qwest.net]Jun 01 05:16:17 storm 05:16 -!- ircname : stormehJun 01 05:16:17 storm 05:16 -!- channels : #telephreak #infoleakJun 01 05:16:17 storm 05:16 -!- server : collective.2600.net [Arghhh, Scourge of the seven seas!]Jun 01 05:16:17 storm 05:16 -!- hostname : Jun 01 05:16:21 storm WTF NIGGERJun 01 05:16:35 storm get the fk off my nameJun 01 05:16:37 storm :(Jun 01 05:17:27 lol if it's not reg'd dos him off of it xDJun 01 05:17:54 storm im gonna hit 3 ips actuallyJun 01 05:17:54 storm ;pJun 01 05:18:00 storm 05:17 djslocker.2600.net has address 01 05:18:00 storm 05:17 -!- Irssi: process 0 (host djslocker.2600.net) terminated with return Jun 01 05:18:00 storm code 0Jun 01 05:18:00 storm 05:17 madjack.2600.net has address 01 05:18:00 storm 05:17 madjack.2600.net has IPv6 address 2607:f128:40:f00:fe31::3Jun 01 05:18:00 storm 05:17 -!- Irssi: process 0 (host madjack.2600.net) terminated with return code 0Jun 01 05:18:00 storm 05:17 collective.2600.net has address 01 05:18:05 lol :DJun 01 05:18:16 lol or, lets go take over some chan on efet :DJun 01 05:18:22 lol dos them all off :DJun 01 05:18:25 storm lolJun 01 05:18:29 storm either orJun 01 05:18:30 storm ;DJun 01 05:18:33 lol ;DJun 01 05:18:39 * Topiary hops in iPredator VPN for the lulz and connects to 2600Jun 01 05:18:46 storm i have too many channels on efnetJun 01 05:18:52 lol let us do #phrack #cdej and #hackersJun 01 05:18:59 storm anonymous (unknown@dmvdetailing.com) (Commercial)Jun 01 05:18:59 storm : ircname : unbound by space or time.Jun 01 05:18:59 storm channels : @#junkie @#malicious @#phear @#e @#syn @#jupiter @#addict @#jupedJun 01 05:18:59 storm @#geek @#overdose @#evil @#mayhem Jun 01 05:19:17 storm ;pJun 01 05:19:52 lol or we can go to overthewire and give andrewg some shit :DJun 01 05:21:03 Topiary sec, lemme get on something that isn't JapaneseJun 01 05:21:10 * Topiary has quit (Quit: true-story.pdf)Jun 01 05:21:20 joepie92 lolJun 01 05:22:02 lol Whats wrong with Japan :(?Jun 01 05:23:42 storm godzilla lives tereJun 01 05:23:44 storm thereJun 01 05:24:50 joepie92 I put a godzilla in your vpn so you can raep while you raepJun 01 05:24:57 storm lolJun 01 05:25:00 joepie92 amidoinitright?Jun 01 05:25:04 storm noJun 01 05:25:23 joepie92 :(Jun 01 05:25:52 * t[2] (t@HA-vft.h6t.9puaba.IP) has joined #pure-eliteJun 01 05:26:03 storm that took forevarJun 01 05:26:13 storm djslocker.2600.net down sons and daughtersJun 01 05:26:17 joepie92 lolJun 01 05:26:18 * t[2] is now known as TopiaryJun 01 05:26:20 joepie92 wb TopJun 01 05:26:29 * Topiary has quit (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)Jun 01 05:26:37 storm lolJun 01 05:26:38 storm oopsJun 01 05:26:38 * Topiary (t@HA-vft.h6t.9puaba.IP) has joined #pure-eliteJun 01 05:26:45 joepie92 lolJun 01 05:27:02 Topiary rightJun 01 05:27:07 storm Topiary Jun 01 05:27:13 storm get on 3600Jun 01 05:27:14 storm erJun 01 05:27:15 storm 2600Jun 01 05:27:16 Topiary disregard two disconnects; forgot password, couldn't be bothered to type it rightJun 01 05:27:16 storm lDJun 01 05:27:18 storm ;DJun 01 05:27:20 Topiary okay dudeJun 01 05:27:24 Topiary I'm in Switzerland right nao :DJun 01 05:27:30 storm hotJun 01 05:27:31 joepie92 lololJun 01 05:27:44 joepie92 pm again btw :PJun 01 05:29:18 storm 05:29 -!- - djslocker.2600.net ----------------------- Users: 26 Jun 01 05:29:20 storm roflolJun 01 05:29:26 Topiary okay I'm onJun 01 05:29:28 Topiary where we at?Jun 01 05:29:31 storm ./mapJun 01 05:29:34 storm look at djsJun 01 05:29:53 Topiary heh 30 peopleJun 01 05:30:02 Topiary sec reading shitJun 01 05:33:01 storm madjack.2600.net naoJun 01 05:33:02 storm ;DJun 01 05:33:32 storm 64 packets transmitted, 8 received, 87% packet loss, time 62994msJun 01 05:33:49 lol :DJun 01 05:33:54 storm its nulledJun 01 05:34:36 lol hahah Jun 01 05:34:47 storm 67 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 65992msJun 01 05:34:50 storm lolJun 01 05:34:52 storm :]Jun 01 05:35:16 lol can you hit this ip :D it's some fag on 2600 in #lulzsec we're going to take over the channel :DJun 01 05:35:26 lol he is only person in there :DJun 01 05:36:23 storm what server is he onJun 01 05:36:27 storm he'll just ping out anywayJun 01 05:37:41 lol madjack.2600.netJun 01 05:37:53 * Topiary is on collectiveJun 01 05:38:04 Topiary * [ego] (ego@ egoJun 01 05:38:06 Topiary don't DDoS me pl0xJun 01 05:38:11 storm madjacks deadJun 01 05:38:15 storm so just wait for him to dieJun 01 05:39:32 storm er wait na madjacks back xDJun 01 05:39:41 Topiary I just got disconnected from collectiveJun 01 05:39:42 storm its null lasts like 5 - 6 minutesJun 01 05:39:45 storm orlyJun 01 05:40:47 Topiary reconnected to djsJun 01 05:40:54 storm yeah sameJun 01 05:40:54 Topiary expecting a ping on collectiveJun 01 05:41:16 storm can you get a map?Jun 01 05:42:02 storm looks like we pissed these guys off so bad that they upped some of their boxes filteringJun 01 05:42:11 storm lulululJun 01 05:42:26 lol :DJun 01 05:42:36 storm OHJun 01 05:42:38 storm mads goneJun 01 05:42:43 storm did that guy ping?Jun 01 05:43:04 Topiary yeahJun 01 05:43:08 storm ggJun 01 05:43:18 lol i can't even connect to 2600 xDJun 01 05:43:22 storm lmfaoJun 01 05:43:30 storm 05:43 -!- egotistical [ego@] has joined #lulzsecJun 01 05:43:30 storm 05:43 bitchesJun 01 05:43:32 storm ROFLJun 01 05:43:36 storm that you?Jun 01 05:43:42 storm or the guy who was in there befioreJun 01 05:43:44 storm before evenJun 01 05:43:49 Topiary it's meJun 01 05:43:51 lol thts TopiaryJun 01 05:43:55 storm oh i cJun 01 05:43:56 Topiary for some reason my collective shit hasn't pingedJun 01 05:43:57 storm xDJun 01 05:44:05 storm it will if i let off of itJun 01 05:44:14 storm i thinkJun 01 05:44:14 lol Topiary what server are you connected to?Jun 01 05:44:14 storm that or their ping timeouts super highJun 01 05:44:14 Topiary djsJun 01 05:44:19 storm djslockJun 01 05:44:20 Topiary should be 240 secsJun 01 05:44:21 lol .net?Jun 01 05:44:24 storm yaJun 01 05:44:37 Topiary * djslocker.2600.net ------------------------------- Users: 111 (63.4%)Jun 01 05:44:37 Topiary * '- blackbeard.2600.net -------------------------- Users: 0 (0.0%)Jun 01 05:44:37 Topiary * - collective.2600.net ---------------------- Users: 55 (31.4%)Jun 01 05:44:37 Topiary * '- services.2600.net ------------------------ Users: 9 (5.1%Jun 01 05:44:44 Topiary these guys are so fun to fuckJun 01 05:45:01 storm dont worry djs is nextJun 01 05:45:02 storm >:LDJun 01 05:45:04 storm >:DJun 01 05:45:27 lol wait :D let us troll the shit out of them first :DJun 01 05:45:50 lol then we can PUSH/SYN/ACK/UDP them to oblivion hahahahahahahaJun 01 05:45:57 storm ewwwwwwwwwJun 01 05:46:00 storm YOU SAID UDPJun 01 05:46:02 storm !!!!Jun 01 05:46:04 lol :oJun 01 05:46:06 storm i am using urgJun 01 05:46:09 storm atmJun 01 05:46:17 lol UDP is ok, if you hit ports at randJun 01 05:46:22 storm wellJun 01 05:46:30 storm i had access to these great britian boxesJun 01 05:46:32 storm those + udpJun 01 05:46:34 storm were sexyJun 01 05:47:03 lol i used to load about 8,000 RFI with usp flooder crushed most server :DJun 01 05:47:09 lol udp*Jun 01 05:47:16 lol it used to hit ports at randomJun 01 05:47:17 lol :DJun 01 05:47:35 Topiary I imagine it wouldJun 01 05:48:09 lol i ddos'd enturbulation.org, whyweprotest, anonnet for about 3 week with it all :DDDDDJun 01 05:48:18 storm hahaJun 01 05:48:22 Topiary ahaha that was you?Jun 01 05:48:24 storm i only use TCPJun 01 05:48:26 lol yes :DJun 01 05:48:31 Topiary Gregg Housh was bitching about thatJun 01 05:48:42 lol alot of people we're bitching about itJun 01 05:48:48 lol let me show youJun 01 05:49:01 lol i dont care if this USB infects me because it's funny to show you this :DJun 01 05:49:39 storm Flood completed, 41784641 packets sent, 75 seconds, 557128 packets/secJun 01 05:49:42 storm nulled madjackJun 01 05:49:45 storm againJun 01 05:50:47 lol it's actually not infected :DJun 01 05:51:13 storm yayJun 01 05:51:15 * joepie92 remembers an UDP flood on this home IPJun 01 05:51:23 storm [05:51] [storm__(+i)] [2:djslocker/#lulzsec(+nt)] [Lag: 51 (??)] Jun 01 05:51:23 Topiary pretty sure I just pinged from djsJun 01 05:51:25 lol storm would you also like the RFI/LFI bot with google bypass i was talking about while i have this plugged in?Jun 01 05:51:29 storm roflJun 01 05:51:31 storm Topiary Jun 01 05:51:32 storm
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